Rocky Subtidal Fish and Invertebrate Community Surveys from the Central Coast...
The rocky subtidal fish and invertebrate dataset is a component of Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program. This dataset characterizes spatial and temporal... -
Understory kelp biomass data from BC Central Coast
The understory kelp biomass dataset is a component of Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program. This dataset characterizes spatial and temporal trends in... -
Seton and Anderson Lake Multibeam Survey - 2024 - British Columbia
Seton and Anderson Lakes are long alpine lakes divided by a rock avalanche deposit at Seton Portage near Lillooet BC, Canada. The goal of the multibeam bathymetric survey is to... -
Knight Inlet Remotely Operated Vehicle Marine Habitat Survey
In the fall of 2024, a series of ROV -Remotely Operated Vehicle - surveys were performed in Knight Inlet within the Mamalilikulla Marine Protected Area in order to find areas... -
Freshwater and marine water quality (nutrients and carbon) - Calvert Island -...
This data package contains data associated with the manuscript St. Pierre et al. (2020), to be submitted to Biogeosciences. Data in this package characterise spatial and... -
Elliot Creek – Homathko Estuary Mapping - 2021 - Airborne Coastal Observatory
Hakai Institute deployed the Airborne Coastal Observatory as a part of its overall contribution to the science and monitoring at Elliot Creek following the Landslide and glacier... -
Mobile Invertebrate Rocky Intertidal Surveys - BC Central Coast - 2016-2018
The mobile invertebrate community associated with three primary habitat types (mussels, barnacle and Fucus distichus) was assessed from 2016-2018 at three coastal sites along... -
Imagery and elevation models monitoring algae research sites - 2017 - Calvert...
Orthomosaics of long-term intertidal monitoring sites on NW Calvert Island were created using unoccupied aerial systems (UAS). Subsequently, a digital elevation model and... -
Hakai Rivers Inlet Mooring Research
This datasets present a collection of water properties measurements (Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity) collected by high accuracy instruments as part of the... -
High-resolution record of surface water pH at Sentry Shoal in the Northern St...
The northern Strait of Georgia (nSoG) in British Columbia, Canada is part of the large inland Salish Sea and has sparse carbonate system data coverage relative to the... -
High-resolution record of sea surface nitrate at Sentry Shoal in the Northern...
The Environment Canada weather mooring at Sentry Shoal in the Northern Strait of Georgia provides a platform of opportunity for collection of high frequency biogeochemical... -
Glacier and Icefield Mapping - British Columbia - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Obs...
Snow and glacier mapping using the Airborne Coastal Observatory airplane in 2019. Data captured includes high resolution imagery and LiDAR surface models. Missions covered in... -
Data record does not exist anymore: Geomorphology - Calvert Island
The data record with identifier https://doi.org/10.21966/m5rv-4f16 pointed to the same resource as the citation below and as such the DOI has been set to the registered state to... -
Vertical Water Properties Profiles (CTD) from the Hakai Institute Juvenile Sa...
Water column property data including temperature, depth, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, photosynthetically active radiation, and chlorophyll a were... -
Glacier and Ice Field Mapping - 2021 - Airborne Coastal Observatory
The climate of BC’s South and Central Coast makes it particularly sensitive to climate change, with comparatively warmer winters than continental environments. The BC coast’s... -
Elliot Creek Landslide – 2022 – Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory
The Airborne Coastal Observatory (ACO) is a collaborative program led by the Hakai Institute along with partners the University of Northern British Columbia. The ACO program... -
Northwest Calvert sea wrack temporal data, Central Coast, British Columbia (2...
This dataset contains the collection site locations, visit dates, and weights of each species of shore cast algae or seagrass found during each site visit. Dead, shore-cast... -
Ecstall Slide - 2022 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory
The Airborne Coastal Observatory (ACO) is a collaborative program led by the Hakai Institute along with partners the University of Northern British Columbia. The ACO program... -
Watersheds of the northern Pacific coastal temperate rainforest margin
This dataset is a polygon representation of watersheds draining to the rainforest margin along the Pacific coast of North America. Watersheds are discrete spatial units of... -
Koeye River stream temperature, stage, and conductivity time-series version 2
The shortage of continuous stream temperature, conductivity, and stage data for minimally disturbed, freshwater wadeable streams impedes the analyses of long-term trends in...