Hyperspectral Imagery - Calvert Island - 2012

On August 5th, 15th ,and 17th , 2012, TRSI collected hyperspectral, LiDAR and digital image data in four project sites at and near Calvert Island, B.C. using a fixed wing aircraft with LiDAR system and a hyperspectral sensor. A combined GPS/INS System (Inertial Navigation System) was used for aircraft altitude and position. A total of 477.22 km^2 was covered on this mission with a flight height of 1150 meters above ground level (AGL) aiming to obtain 1.5 metre spatial resolution for hyperspectral Imagery.

The hyperspectral imagery was delivered as a set of 94 long and narrow swath “scenes” with each corresponding roughly to an individual flight line (from a grid pattern flight mission). In this fashion the dimensions and orientation varies somewhat from scene to scene. Predominantly there are North-South and West-East scenes which cover the length and width of Calvert and Hecate Islands and a portion of the mainland to the north. There is an inconsistent overlap between scenes in some cases; in others the imagery aligns at the seams or with a small gap in between. While details pertaining to post-processing performed on the imagery by the contractor are lacking, based on analysis the following assumptions have been made:

• The imagery has been georectified (the DEM used is unknown). • The imagery has been radiometrically corrected to some degree although there is evidence that only a few calibrations files were used inconsistently for all scenes during radiometric correction, and overlapping areas between scenes have sometimes large variations in radiance pixel values of the same features on the same band. • No atmospheric correction has been performed on the imagery.

The technical specifications for all scenes are the following:

Raster format: ENVI .dat files Raster type: 16 bit unsigned integer Projection: UTM Zone 9 Datum: NAD 83 Geoid: HT 2.0 Sensor platform: AISA Hyperspectral unspecified model sensor. Flying Height: 1150m AGL Frame Rate: 43 FPS Spatial Resolution: 2m Horizontal accuracy: +/- 2 pixel Spectral range: 392 – 996nm No. of Bands per scene: 132 Spectral resolution: ~4.25nm Pixel values represent radiance in (mw/cm^2strum)* 100 NoData Value = 0.

Table of band spectral coverage Band # Wavelength (nm) 1 392.730011 2 396.980011 3 401.220001 4 405.470001 5 409.720001 6 413.970001 7 418.220001 8 422.459991 9 426.709991 10 430.959991 11 435.220001 12 439.630005 13 444.079987 14 448.540009 15 452.98999 16 457.450012 17 461.899994 18 466.350006 19 470.809998 20 475.26001 21 479.720001 22 484.170013 23 488.630005 24 493.079987 25 497.529999 26 501.98999 27 506.440002 28 510.899994 29 515.349976 30 519.799988 31 524.26001 32 528.710022 33 533.169983 34 537.619995 35 542.070007 36 546.559998 37 551.169983 38 555.789978 39 560.409973 40 565.030029 41 569.650024 42 574.27002 43 578.890015 44 583.51001 45 588.140015 46 592.76001 47 597.380005 48 602 49 606.619995 50 611.23999 51 615.859985 52 620.47998 53 625.109985 54 629.72998 55 634.349976 56 638.969971 57 643.590027 58 648.210022 59 652.830017 60 657.460022 61 662.080017 62 666.700012 63 671.320007 64 675.940002 65 680.570007 66 685.190002 67 689.809998 68 694.429993 69 699.059998 70 703.710022 71 708.349976 72 713 73 717.640015 74 722.289978 75 726.929993 76 731.580017 77 736.219971 78 740.859985 79 745.51001 80 750.159973 81 754.880005 82 759.609985 83 764.340027 84 769.070007 85 773.799988 86 778.530029 87 783.26001 88 787.98999 89 792.719971 90 797.450012 91 802.179993 92 806.909973 93 811.640015 94 816.369995 95 821.099976 96 825.830017 97 830.549988 98 835.27002 99 839.98999 100 844.710022 101 849.429993 102 854.150024 103 858.869995 104 863.590027 105 868.309998 106 873.030029 107 877.75 108 882.469971 109 887.190002 110 891.900024 111 896.619995 112 901.340027 113 906.059998 114 910.780029 115 915.51001 116 920.25 117 924.97998 118 929.719971 119 934.460022 120 939.190002 121 943.929993 122 948.659973 123 953.400024 124 958.130005 125 962.869995 126 967.599976 127 972.340027 128 977.080017 129 981.809998 130 986.549988 131 991.280029 132 996.02002

Due to weather and time constraints faced by the contractor, several small data gaps exist within the project boundary. Additionally systematic small rectangular data gaps within many scenes are present (these are unrelated and additional to those due to “weather and time constraints” stated by the contractor).

Access and Use

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Limitations: Appropriate credit must be given to Hakai Institute and the authors of the dataset.

Data and Resources



Dataset extent

Metadata Reference Date(s) March 03, 2022 (Publication)
July 23, 2024 (Revision)
Data Reference Date(s) November 21, 2016 (Revision)
Frequency of Update As Needed

Responsible Party 1
Remote Sensing Team, Terra
Hakai Institute ROR logo
  • Originator
  • Point of Contact
  • Processor
  • Resource Provider
Responsible Party 2
Frazer, Gordon
University of Northern British Columbia ROR logo
  • Author
  • Originator
  • Point of Contact
  • Processor
Responsible Party 3
Mostyn, David
Terra Remote Sensing Inc.
  • Originator
  • Point of Contact
Responsible Party 4
Hakai Institute ROR logo
  • Distributor
  • Owner
  • Point of Contact
  • Principal Investigator
  • Publisher
  • Resource Provider
Responsible Party 5
Hakai Geospatial
Hakai Institute ROR logo
  • Custodian
  • Point of Contact
  • Principal Investigator
  • Processor
  • Editor
Responsible Party 6
Tula Foundation ROR logo

Field Value
Ocean Variables Other
Scope Dataset
Status Completed
Topic Category oceans
Maintenance Note Generated from https://hakaiinstitute.github.io/hakai-metadata-entry-form#/en/hakai/qbqh6DF00XZq8MOpQ3kKkI9GUv43/-MU1SSXd3cG5UbzVYVW8
Spatial Extent { "coordinates": [ [ [ -128.21594238281247, 51.40948589555509 ], [ -127.8094482421875, 51.40948589555509 ], [ -127.8094482421875, 51.78993084774129 ], [ -128.21594238281247, 51.78993084774129 ], [ -128.21594238281247, 51.40948589555509 ] ] ], "type": "Polygon" }
North Bounding Latitude 51.78993084774129
South Bounding Latitude 51.40948589555509
East Bounding Longitude -127.8094482421875
West Bounding Longitude -128.21594238281247
Vertical Extent
Default Locale English
  1. Airborne Coastal Observatory
Included in Data Catalogue
Included in Data Catalogue 1
Hakai Data Catalogue
Science on the Coastal Margin