The shortage of continuous stream temperature, conductivity, and stage data for minimally disturbed,
freshwater wadeable streams impedes the analyses of long-term trends in streams data. The collection
of these data will further efforts to detect and track climate change–related impacts over the long term,
further our understanding of how biological, thermal, and hydrologic conditions and processes vary
spatially and temporally and inter-relate to one another. This time-series was created using 5-minute
average stage, water temperature, and conductivity measurements that are Quality Controlled (QC),
flagged and corrected where needed (Table 2). Data gaps were filled and noisy, faulty data were
corrected. These Estimated Values were assigned an ‘EV’ flag. Suspicious data points that could not be
corrected and estimated were assigned an ‘SVC’ flag, for Suspicious Value – Caution. All other data
points were flagged ‘AV’ for Accepted Value.