22 matching datasets, listed in alphabetical order. (Or, refine this search with Advanced Search )
Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | * The List of All Active Datasets in this ERDDAP * | M | background | Hakai Institute | allDatasets | ||||||
set | data | graph | Hakai Bulk and Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment Concentrations Collected by Niskin Bottle, Provisional | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiChlorophyllSampleProvisional | ||||||
set | data | graph | files | Hakai Institute British Columbia Central Coast Fixed Platform Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Time Series Provisional | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiADCPTimeSeriesProfileProvisional | |||||
set | data | graph | files | Hakai Rivers Inlet Mooring Research | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiRiversInletMooringResearch | |||||
set | data | graph | Hakai Water Properties Vertical Profile Data Measured by Oceanographic Profilers, Provisional | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiWaterPropertiesInstrumentProfileProvisional | ||||||
set | data | graph | Hakai Water Properties Vertical Profiles Measured by Oceanographic Profilers, Research | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiWaterPropertiesInstrumentProfileResearch | ||||||
set | data | graph | High performance liquid chromatography phytoplankton pigment timeseries for the northern Salish Sea and central coast, British Columbia | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiHPLCResearch | ||||||
set | data | graph | files | High-Resolution Record of Surface Seawater Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Content Collected From Hakai Institute Quadra Island Field Station in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiQuadraBoLResearch | |||||
set | data | graph | files | High-resolution record of surface seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) content, water temperature, sea surface salinity and other parameters collected in Sitka Harbor, Alaska, USA | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiSitkaBoLResearch | |||||
set | data | graph | files | High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from the OceansAlaska Shellfish Hatchery in Ketchikan, Alaska, USA | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiKetchikanBoLResearch | |||||
data | graph | Hyacinthe Bay, BC Weather Station | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiQuadraWeather5min | |||||||
data | graph | Provisional Real-Time Hakai Seafloor Observatory in Hyacinthe Bay, Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiQuadraLimpet5min | |||||||
set | data | graph | Pruth Bay Oceanographic Mooring on Calvert Island Provisional | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiPruthMooringProvisional | ||||||
set | data | graph | Pruth Dock, Calvert Island Tide and Weather Station Provisional | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiPruthDockProvisional | ||||||
set | data | graph | QU5M Oceanographic Mooring in Hyacinthe Bay, Quadra Island, Provisional | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiQU5MMooringProvisional | ||||||
set | data | graph | Real-Time Provisional High-Resolution Record of Seawater Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Content Collected from the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre in Bamfield, BC, Canada | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiBamfieldBoL5min | ||||||
set | data | graph | Real-Time Provisional High-Resolution Record of Surface Seawater Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Content Collected from Hakai Institute Quadra Island Field Station in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiQuadraBoL5min | ||||||
set | data | graph | Real-Time Provisional Surface Seawater and Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Observations made from the Kwakshua Channel (KC) Buoy on the central coast of British Columbia | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiKCBuoy1hour | ||||||
set | data | graph | Sea surface temperature data along the British Columbia Coast | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiSentinelTemperature | ||||||
set | data | graph | files | Surface Seawater and Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Observations Made from the Kwakshua Channel (KC) Buoy on the Central Coast of British Columbia | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiKCBuoyResearch | |||||
set | data | graph | files | Underway Surface Seawater and Marine Boundary Layer Observations Made from the Alaska Marine Highway System M/V Columbia | F M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiColumbiaFerryResearch | |||||
set | data | graph | files | Water Level measured from a Pressure Tide Gauge Instrument Deployed in Choke Pass on Calvert Island Research | F I M | background | Hakai Institute | HakaiCalvertCP1TideGauge |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.